Monday, December 22, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

"Busy" will be the most appropriate term for me for the past weeks and I'm sure it will be busier for the coming weeks. I never felt or experienced being busy for the longest time and I miss it. hehehe Believe it or not, I do. I'm used to do a lot of things. That's why I'm kinda back in my old rhythm for the past weeks. First is the BLD Paskuhan. The Youth Ministry performed in front of the whole BLD community. At siyempre we practiced for ilang weeks to make the dance a success. hehehe Next would be my Enrollment. Yes, It only happened for a day, but the stress of lining up and going here and there can kill. I was at CSB by 10am for an interview and I expected to finish all the whatevers by 1pm. To make the story short. I finished by 4pm. Great. Lastly, The Christmas parties. From Wednesday to Saturday. Everynight. Grabe. hahaha

Busy Busy Busy weeks but it was fun.

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