Monday, November 17, 2008

Second Chance

I took my Entrance Exam a while ago. Wow. I can finally rest my brain again. hahaha I feel kinda confident because most of the exam just requires to use your stock knowledge. But I'm scared because there were seventy items of Math and most of my answers were hula. hahaha Eh I didn't know what to do na eh and the time limit was very disturbing. There were things that made my exam memorable. First, I forgot to bring a black ball pen. It was not my fault because on the guidelines they only required to bring two pencils. So I ended up borrowing from my seat mate. Thank God she had an extra pen. hehehe Second, I forgot to bring a jacket and guess what, the air conditioner was directly above me. So for the entire exam I was shivering and felt like I'm going to have a cold the next day. Praise God for our fifteen minute break. I was able to escape the harsh cooling aircon and got the chance to see and mingle with friends. After the exam, I discovered that as an athlete we are required to take another test, which is the Battery test. So I'll be back on Tuesday, After which I'm planning to meet with my old friends. I just hope that the battery test is not something that I would regret. hahaha Finally, my life's back on track. First step for my new life.

This day was a very humbling experience for me. I took an entrance exam with most of my roommates two to three years younger than me. I took an exam in a school where I have a lot of batch mates but they will be ahead of me. I took an exam in a school just in front of my old school where I can be back in my old life in just five minutes. And I took an exam that marked the end of the past and at the same time marked the beginning of a new chance. My second chance. My opportunity to excel, be great, learn, to showcase my talents, and most especially to be me. God made me see the reality with these things. That humility is needed for a person to grow. That humiliation is a part of it. All we need to do is to accept and live life. The answer is always just in front of you.

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